Recovery Coaching
“My Recovery Must Come First So That Everything I Love In Life Doesn’t Have To Come Last.”
- Creating a healthy connection with self and being a part of community
- Moving towards freedom, integrity, and joy
- Building a home for ourselves within ourselves
Recovery coaching is highly interactive in that the client is encouraged to actively participate in their own recovery. It is an ongoing professional (non-clinical) relationship that empowers individuals who are in recovery currently or who are considering recovery from addiction. It is based on the belief that people are – by their very nature – creative, resourceful, and whole.
In my role as your recovery coach, I offer a holistic, thought-provoking process, focusing on your strengths in a safe and confidential space. This promotes a journey of shedding aspects of yourself that either no longer serve you or are harmful to your own growth.
Recovery is a lifestyle change and a way of living that embodies joy bigger than being sober. I work with individuals and groups who are struggling with a wide range of addictions including food addiction, shopping/overspending, work, alcohol and other drugs, people/co-dependent patterns.
I integrate compassion, empathy, respect, and humility within recovery coaching sessions. Plus, offering a culturally competent and trauma-informed perspective, allowing for multiple pathways to recovery.
There are many pathways to recovery
Recovery is self-directed and empowering
Recovery involves a personal recognition of the need for change and transformation
Recovery is holistic
Recovery has cultural dimensions
Recovery exists on a continuum of improved health and wellness
Recovery is supported by peers and allies
Recovery emerges from hope and gratitude
Recovery involves a process of healing and self-redefinition
Recovery involves addressing discrimination and transcending shame and stigma
Recovery involves (re)joining and (re)building a life in the community
Recovery is a reality. It can, will, and does happen

Coaching Packages
Currently all sessions are offered on Zoom.
Individual Recovery Coaching Session
60-minute one-on-one Recovery Coaching session offered via Zoom.
“Thriving in Recovery” Coaching Package
• 8 60-minute sessions with the flexibility of either weekly or bi-weekly meetings
• Action plans and accountability email contact between sessions
• Yoga, meditation and mindfulness techniques personalized to your self-care recovery plan
What’s the difference between a sponsor and a recovery coach?
One of the biggest differences between recovery coaches and sponsors is the accountability level for the recovering person is much higher with a recovery coach, as goals are often set as part of the work together.
You may not be using a twelve-step program as part of your recovery and when you work with a recovery coach you will experience a much wider range of recovery path options than you might with working only with a sponsor, who typically is used for recovery twelve-step work.